Sigh. I’ve had a really hard time writing this blog post. And I can’t truly say why. If you meet me in person I am not shy to speak my mind nor am I afraid of asking questions or admitting what I don’t understand. But for some reason I have started four ‘posts’ that I feel unsatisfied with and later discard before sending them on to Shauna.
Why is this so hard for me!?!
I guess part of what I am struggling with is my own indecisive reaction to our PD. At times I feel that what I do and the practices I use really align with the Innovators Mindset. Inquiry based learning, AFL, student centred practices, collaborative teaching, reflection (for myself and students), technologically infused instruction and more permeate my planning and teaching. Does all of it happen all day every day? Well no. But my decisions as an educator are planned and based with all of the above in mind.
One thing that I have heard and learned and felt reaffirmed about is the need to constantly be striving to do more and do better as a teacher. My personal philosophy values trying new things and challenging myself and my students in a variety of ways. I have a hard time when I meet a colleague that teaches the same content the same way every year.
But I also recoil at the idea of creating a ‘digital footprint’. Try googling me… there isn’t much out there and that is the way I like it. I feel that most social media is a black hole and I am not convinced that the benefits of creating a social network online are worth the loss of privacy and the need to constantly (CONSTANTLY) live my life through the lens of being a teacher. In the same way that I am a mom, and I will always be a mom, it is not the only way to define my existence. Furthermore, I don’t think that the lack of a ‘digital footprint’ should impact my qualifications as a conscientious and innovative educator. While others are tweeting and blogging to improve their practice I may be reading or researching. I may be speaking with my colleagues and peers or simply reflecting on what has and has not worked. Information found online is not necessarily any better or worse than information found elsewhere. Difference is simply difference.
Having said all this I wish to stress that I really value the conflict and thought that has been inspired by the PD provided by WSD and George Couros. Anytime that I am (and we as teachers are) asked to think critically about purpose and methodology is a good thing. I believe it is what keeps me inspired and innovative, I think it is integral to providing best practices in my classroom. However, as a free thinking, well-educated and opinionated person I guess it is my right to adopt what I choose from the learning experiences provided to me. What I take from this has been and will be positive, I’m just not sure what it will look like.
Hey Jill…I think that the point of the PD, or any good PD, is to do just what you are sharing; think. It is important to struggle with some of these ideas and through this process.
One thing that I want you to think about is that being on social media doesn’t mean that you have “lost your privacy”. You always have the option of sharing what you want to share, not what others choose for you. Since you asked me to google you in the post (I did), what I found was that the things that came up from your name were not posted by you but others. This is always your choice.
That being said, not sharing things online doesn’t make you less of an “innovative educator” by any means. There are many awesome educators that share nothing online and have an amazing impact with so many kids in their school through not only what they teach, but those conversations that you talk about. What I think is important though is that you are doing great things and sharing with them world is not about bragging, but about making schools better for all kids, not just the ones in your school. There is no better person to learn about teaching from than an active teacher, yet we have traditionally hidden our resources from others.
I appreciate all that you do for kids and taking the time to write this honest reflection. Taking the time to think about what we do is so crucial to moving forward as educators.
Like George, I applaud your thoughtful reflection. I referenced your post on my recent blog post. What is ironic, is that all of this learning is taking place online, in public and we’ll never know all the people that will be able to learn because you shared with them. That would be my challenge to you. What benefits might be gained because I’m connected to George and George is connected to you? What would be lost if you never shared?