Digital Native vs Digital Immigrant (a problem?)

I would consider myself to be a “digital native”. I grew up with Nintendo controller in hand and a Macintosh Classic (used of course) to play my “sticky Bears typing” game. I have found myself as many young educators have, becoming an agent of change because of the “expertise” in regards to technology I possess. I love to include high tech things in my classroom and share lessons I have done with my colleagues, but am I really helping them?  Am I able to provide them with what they really need to use technology like I do? I find myself reflecting; can digital immigrants become digital natives?

If we consider technology to be a new “language” then we must also know that learning a new language as an adult will only give you a basic skill set. You will never have the same language abilities as the person who has grown up speaking that language. This is not to say “can’t win, don’t try”, or that Digital Immigrants should go back to where they came from, but I sometimes feel defeated. How can I create more hours in a day for someone to spend time learning about how to use new technology? I think that time is one of the biggest constraints for the adopting Innovative teaching. Myself, I have No kids, no elderly parents to care for and so on, and I feel very busy with the normal day to day duties of a teacher. I could not imagine trying to take on learning something so foreign to me just because others are telling me I should.

Well, luckily today’s teachers are not afraid of the word immigrant. I think that educators know that immigrant just refers to someone who was once somewhere else. I feel that there are more and more avenues to help promote the use of innovative teaching practices.

Even people who identify as digital natives can feel like immigrants at times as well. For example: I have created Wiki’s, Weebly’s, Blog’s, twitter accounts, etc. This site was completely new to me.


From Immigrant to Native all over again in one 30 minute learning / creating period.


Share in your comments some of your favourite Educational website for me and other to explore.

George Pearce

Strathcona Elementary School

Cluster 1971.

One thought on “Digital Native vs Digital Immigrant (a problem?)

  1. I recall the idea behind innovative practices: they’re suppose to be new & better. I interpret those practices as having a higher level of effectiveness & greater efficiency! These types of things are suppose to save us time and make everyone’s lives somehow better.

    However, I don’t think anything in this world comes free and often in education we hear that TIME is the enemy. Implementation of anything comes with effort and as you have already mentioned, teachers while perhaps not Digital Natives, are willing to be Digital Immigrants.

    It’s quite wonderful to hear of the efforts to stick with your blogging efforts and your past successes in the area of innovation and leadership. Don’t let time be the factor holding you back. Small steps.

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