Reflection on Innovation

When first reflecting on our innovation session I began by asking myself how I could use twitter to benefit my personal learning and growth. I appreciate how technology and social media can be used as a tool to connect with others about the same topic and to look at the world through a global perspective. I am interested in using twitter in order to connect with other educators across Canada and the world.

In reflecting deeper and looking forward I asked myself how I can use innovation in my Kindergarten classroom to help students grow as learners. In order to do this I first thought about what innovation looks like in my kindergarten classroom. We use found materials, nature, technology, art supplies, books, Lego, blocks, boxes and much more to explore, research, ask and answer questions. Whether students are using iPads to make commercials, found materials to make robots, or boxes and string to make a drawbridge pulley system what is important is that students are thinking critically, problem solving, communicating, and caring for each other through the process. I think this is what I would like innovation to look like in my classroom; using a variety of mediums to encourage students to think critically, communicate, be creative and collaborate. Moving forward I look forward to keeping an open mind and learn more about how to encourage my 4 and 5 year olds to use a material or resource in a new and exciting way.

Lisa Poettcker
Pinkham School

Cluster 2010


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One thought on “Reflection on Innovation

  1. I love that your kindergarten kids are involved and creating the learning environment! Great drawbridge!!!!!

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