
I am very happy, excited and grateful to have this opportunity to connect with other teachers and participate in this journey to a culture of innovation with George Couros. As has also been mentioned by others, I found the first day together both enjoyable and inspirational. At first, I was not really sure that I understood what it was all going to be about. More recently, however, I have been doing some reading (via google and George’s book) thinking and reflecting, and here’s what I believe I am now coming to realize and learn about innovation.

Innovation is not one thing. In fact, innovation is the opposite of one thing. It’s many, many different things. It might be something small, like creating a newsletter using videos, or tweeting out your classrooms’ activities for the world to see and share. It could be something fearless, like embracing new technology that you’ve never seen before. Sometimes, it might be very simple like cutting those ties with your desk and taking your classroom outside for some fresh air. It could even mean empowering students by having them share their skills with technology, or anything else they know, with you. It might be experimenting with the latest in brain research in the classroom and trying to tap into long term memory. It’s connecting with people, other students or experts, outside the school building and all around the world. It’s much about engagement and doing things a better way. It’s about you, creating your own personal resume using social platforms, and teaching that importance to others. It’s hugely about connecting and reaching out to others for HELP! One thing I am positively sure about, it’s always about lifelong learning. And it does not mean you are alone.

Looking forward to the next step in the journey . . .

Christina Macdonald

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