
Innovation is one of those words that gets thrown around in all circles, though its true definition is highly dependent on the person using it. It seems as though it’s relatively large in terms of a concept in education, but to me it’s about creativity, forward thinking, and impactful, purposeful actions.

Before our first session with George in March, I thought a lot about what innovation actually meant to me, and what kind of implications it would have on my students and in my classroom. I also thought a lot about how it could affect the school on a larger scale, involving everyone in our building as well as those in our community. To be honest with you, my mind was inundated with ideas and possibilities, but they were all over the place.

After the session, I found George’s insight very helpful to help me focus my ideas and determine practical ways to implement them going forward. It also opened up all kinds of new possibilities and ideas of things I wouldn’t have thought about before. The idea of using Twitter as an educational and professional development resource was honestly not something I would have considered. Who knew it wasn’t just for news about the NHL?

The fact that today’s world is different than it was for us as students, and it continues to change, speaks to the importance of looking at the way things work in our schools. It’s an exciting prospect to think of   all the possibilities to help us tap into potential of our students, and help us grow as educators. As we continue through this journey, I am looking forward to continuing the process of delving into those possibilities and exploring some important changes toward the traditional thinking of schools and education.


Colin Jones

École Laura Secord School

Cluster 1965

One thought on “Innovation

  1. Hi Colin;
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on innovation in education and the potential impact for you and your school. I’m glad you are part of the leadership team of ITLL’s.

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