Reflecting on my First Session

Reflecting on my first session with team ITLL, rich discussions helped me to push me out of my comfort zone and allowed me to explore social media beyond Facebook. Twitter and Instagram are way bigger domains as compared to what I thought. I have been exploring Twitter and Google drive for couple weeks now. I realised that it needs a lot of learning on my part.

I am all up for empowering the kids and giving them lots of choices and allowing them to be independent learners. But I never thought of setting up resources for kids outside my instructional time and make it accessible 24/7 through Internet or social media.

I need to remind myself that an educator is entitled for his/her job24/7; Once a teacher always a teacher. I was not sure about exposing/ sharing my classroom to the outsiders (on a bigger networks with the fear of people judging me). But I took on advice that whatever you could explore with the kids, you could explore on the social media. Our young generation is living in technological era, we need to get them ready accordingly. Kids are excited about the projects that involve technology. So being an innovative leader I need to accept the challenge and equip myself with techniques that the present day demands. Change need to start somewhere; why not today, why not now?

My goal is one tweet per day about each learning day. Pull everyone together; students, families and colleagues in the loop; construct bigger, better and more advanced education/ learning community.

Kamal Saggi

John M. King School

Cluster Group 1965