Inspired Educators

I have put off writing this blog post, because I simply couldn’t think of a way to put my feelings about the March PD session with George Couros into words.  I left that day feeling inspired and full of passion about learning and teaching.  I remember thinking how thankful I was to have been chosen for this project.  Leading up to the March PD session, I was unsure about what it was really about, although I knew it had something to do with Twitter.  I was excited about potentially learning more about bringing technology into the classroom, as it was something I was already interested in.  As the day went on, I became increasingly interested; you might even say “hooked” on George’s ideas about innovation.  I knew that if I were this passionate, it would cross over into my students’ learning as well.  I immediately began thinking of ways to kick it up a notch!

The evening of our first PD session, I couldn’t take my eyes off my Twitter feed.  I had no idea there were so many resources and ideas at my fingertips!  I continued using Twitter for my own professional development, and really enjoy sharing thoughts and pictures of what we’re doing in our classroom.  I now understand the power of Twitter.

In terms of innovation in the classroom, I have been thinking of ways to incorporate technology and devices that my students are already familiar with, to further their learning about different subject areas.  In the last couple weeks, one of the projects we have been working on has been Geocaching.  This involved using GPS units, creating a cache of our own (which is essentially like hidden treasure), entering the coordinates and information online, and tracking to see who visits our geocache.  My students decided the best place to hide ours would be near the Community Centre, because it is one of their favourite places in the community!  I have loved the excitement on their faces when it’s Geocaching time, and enjoy bringing a new piece of technology into their lives, GPS units!!

I can’t wait to continue this journey with George, and all the inspiring educators I have met through this project, and Twitter!


Teal Moszynski

Norquay School

Cluster 1965

2 thoughts on “Inspired Educators

  1. Enjoyed reading your post ,as I could relate. You have inspired me to spend more time on Twitter! Thank you 🙂

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